
Knoxville, TN (Remington College Online)

Favorite Part of the Educational Experience at Remington College

I enjoyed being able to work at my own pace while working. As far as classes, the web design class was my favorite.

Source of Inspiration

My mom and my daughter who looks up to me.

Advice for Future Graduates

Keep pushing forward. No matter how hard something may seem, YOU CAN DO IT! If at first you don’t succeed, NEVER GIVE UP! FIGHT TO THE FINISH.

Plans After Graduation

My plans are to own my own business in the graphic field. I plan to build websites and create my own clothing brand using my graphic techniques.

Thank you to…

First and foremost I would like to thank God. I want to give a BIG thanks to my mom who is no longer here. I was dedicated to make her proud even if it was in spirit. I also want to give thanks to my grandmother for always believing in me. My father who constantly reminded me that I can do anything. My wife who supported me through this whole journey even when I felt I had enough, she pushed me to keep going. I want to thank all of my family and friends who cheered me on.