

Favorite Part of the Educational Experience at Remington College

One of my favorite educational experiences at Remington was that we really got to do many hands-on activities, which is great for me since I’m more like a visual/hands-on learner.

Source of Inspiration

My mother: since she always would tell me this, “remember that when you want to give up just remind yourself to always think on that person/thing that inspires you because when we are inspired, we are motivated to accomplish something in life. We have an urging or a draw that tugs at our hearts, souls, and minds. Inspiration fuels a person’s creativity, inventiveness, and imagination. An inspired individual asks of life, “What is next?” Inspired people do not give up, rather they are encouraged by the challenges that life frequently presents.”

Advice for Future Graduates

Be honest. Not sure about something? Ask questions. Screwed up? Own up!
I’ve always valued someone willing to learn, and we do that in different ways. I’ll always highly regard someone willing to be honest about their mistakes because we learn from those just as much as our successes!

Plans After Graduation

My plans after graduation are: start off by working at a clinic (which I am already) and maybe later on move into a Hospital facility or stay in a small family clinic and keep studying for a major degree.

Thank you to…

I would love to thank all my teachers, I never thought that a person could be a teacher, support, mentor and philosopher all in one! And I want to thank them for all their hard work and dedication!