
Mobile, AL

Favorite Part of the Educational Experience at Remington College

My teachers were my favorite part. They made my experience enjoyable, less stressful, and always helped me when I didn’t understand the material!

Source of Inspiration

My source of inspiration would be my children! I do everything to give them the best life possible because they are more than deserving of that!

Advice for Future Graduates

Never give up, even when it gets tough! If you need extra help, stay after school or set up a time with a tutor or teacher to have them guide you so that you understand!

Plans After Graduation

My plans after graduation, Is to work hard and adamantly to find a job in my friend of study! Eventually I would like to have my CNA or RN license!

Thank you to…

I would like to thank my teachers for the support that was given.
My family for always being there when I needed them most.
I would like to thank the Most High!
And everyone who has ever been supportive, has helped me in any way!
I would also like thank my peers !