
Fort Worth

Favorite Part of the Educational Experience at Remington College

I really enjoyed the hands-on experience, and all the help that was available to me throughout the course.

Source of Inspiration

My mother is my primary source, because without her I would not have began this career path. My children are my second source of inspiration, because without them I would not be as determined as I am to better our future.

Advice for Future Graduates

My advice to future graduates would be to stay focused and never lose sight of what you want to accomplish. Set aside time to study and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most importantly, have fun and create memorable experiences!

Plans After Graduation

My plans after graduation are to continue school to further my education.

Thank you to…

I would like to thank God for giving me the strength to complete this course though many challenges came about; Mrs. Reil-Money for being a great instructor and for making class a fun and inviting place to learn; Mrs. Haynes for being very helpful, as well as very detail oriented and informative;